Designer of the month

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In Knit&Note, you can find knitting patterns by many talented designers, and we want you to get to know them even better! Every month, we will interview one of our designers, get to know them a little better, and maybe learn a few things we didn’t already know. The designer of the month in February is Sofie Hågenes, better known as Strikkesoffe.

Who are you?

What a big question! I’m Sofie, the person behind Strikkesoffe. I’m approaching 30 and have experienced so much in my time! Two years ago, I became a mom to Olai – the greatest thing of all. I’m from Alta in Finnmark and have just moved back home after many years down south! I’m a trained intensive care nurse and truly passionate about my profession.

As a knitter, I thrive when there’s some action in the form of patterns or cables. I have at least 20 single mittens lying around, and my garments often have one thread that never gets woven in—while at the same time, I’m very meticulous when it matters! As a person, I try to live as slowly as possible because I don’t handle stress very well, I always say what I mean, and I’m more than a little interested in nutrition!

Tell us a bit about your knitting journey

My grandmother Bjørg taught me to knit when I was a child. Whenever I took on projects that were too ambitious, I always got help from both of my grandmothers. In arts and crafts class, I was knitting Selbu mittens while the others were making pot holders. Luckily, the local Joker store next to my school sold yarn!

In other words, I’ve always knitted a lot, but things really took off about 10 years ago when I discovered knitting Instagram. Since then, I’ve been knitting non-stop, except for short breaks before and after giving birth.When Olai grows up, I think he’ll say something like, “Mom was always sitting on the floor knitting while playing with me.”

What made you start designing?

I quickly realized that I wasn’t the only one missing beautiful cable-knit mittens in my wardrobe when I first shared the Høstflettevotter on Instagram. The overwhelming response set my creativity in motion, and I wanted to share that with even more people!

What inspires your design process?

Things my family and I are missing in our wardrobe, something I personally find beautiful, or special knitting techniques combined into something unique!

What do you do when you’re not knitting?

First and foremost, I’m a mom, a partner, and a friend. I try to spend as much time outdoors as possible, preferably in the mountains or at the cabin. I love cooking and baking! I also work out a bit and enjoy going hunting.

What can we look forward to seeing from you in the future?

Oh, that’s a tough one! Just in case my plans don’t go as expected But I’m excited to expand the Høstflette series with more pieces, especially for babies! Also, the Vinterflette Sweater is just around the corner, and I’m super happy with the yoke, which combines cables and seed stitch with “invisible” increases!

5 quick questions

Describe yourself in 3 words: Family-oriented, honest and a bit strict.

Favorite candy/snack: Pick and mix candy (Smågodt).

Favorite TV series: Impossible question! I hardly watch TV… But right now, I’m trying to keep up with Mesterens Mester and the crime series Ulvesommer on TV2.

Guilty pleasure: Red Coke in a can!

Dream travel destination: Walking in Jotunheimen (without other people).