Learn to knit with Knit&Note

Table of Contents

Have you been thinking about wanting to learn how to knit for a while, but just never started? I definitely have! My name is Lotta and I have been interested in fashion for as long as I can remember, especially the Scandinavian style which is heavily influenced by beautiful knitted garments. After completing my bachelor’s degree in England, I have since moved back home to Norway, and the desire to get started with my knitting journey has only increased when being exposed to all the gorgeous autumn and winter knits that I so badly want for myself. I love how knitted items have risen in popularity, but I am getting so tired of asking others to knit for me. In addition, I believe the autumn is the perfect season to take on such a project, as the days are getting shorter and more of our time is being spent indoors. 

It is finally time to start this process - you should join too!

To make the knitting experience a little easier for myself, I’m going to be using Knit&Note. It is a brilliant service for beginners who need to have control over patterns, knitting needles, yarns and notes. Perfect for us scatterheads! In addition, you will also find knitting inspiration through articles and video tutorials on the app – which is such an amazing feature when you are just getting started.

Being able to gather patterns, knitting needles and yarns, as well as row counters all in one place, is a lifesaver for me. Just imagine how much searching and clutter you avoid! In addition, one can take notes within the projects, take pictures and add details which is not only motivating, but neat as well. I am looking forward to being able to look back at the projects I’ve knitted myself – imagine the sense of achievement that will bring.

If you have contemplated initiating this process, but you just have not been able to get started yet, this is the sign you have been waiting for. Let’s share this knitting journey and experience together. I will continue to share my journey on the blog and on Instagram, and would love to follow you too! Share your learning process and use the hashtag #strikkereisen, and we can follow each other on Instagram 🙂 

Start by registering for free at Knit&Note right now by following this link. Since the app is available through your browser, you can always log in and you will be shown how to add it to your home screen to get the full app experience when using your phone.