In Knit&Note, you can find knitting patterns by many talented designers, and we want you to get to know them even better! Every month, we will interview one of our designers, get to know them a little better, and maybe learn a few things we didn’t already know. The designer of the month in January is Enya Ødegaard, better known as Aftenstrikk

Who are you?
A mother of three from Haugesund who has just stepped into her fabulous thirties.
Tell us a bit about your knitting journey
Like many others, I started knitting as a child. I have memories of making garter stitch scarves and other simple projects. Over the years, I occasionally picked up my knitting needles and crochet hooks, but I always knitted freestyle and never learned to follow patterns. It wasn’t until I wanted to knit a traditional costume for my son that I realized I needed to learn the craft properly. I knew I couldn’t manage it without a pattern, so I visited my grandmother several times, and she taught me everything from scratch. Since then, knitting has been a constant in my life.

What made you start designing?
I’ve always dreamed of running my own business, preferably in a creative field. After three failed attempts at different areas of study, I became pregnant. I found it challenging to understand knitting patterns and didn’t think they were intuitive at all. That experience planted a small seed. I thought I couldn’t be the only one feeling this way and imagined there might be a group of knitters who would appreciate patterns with more explanations and fewer abbreviations.
I never thought it could become a full-time job. But during my maternity leave with my second child, I started Aftenstrikk. Why the name? With two little ones at home, my days were filled with cuddles, breastfeeding, porridge, diapers, stroller walks, and playtime. But when they fell asleep in the evenings, it was my time. I could retreat into my creative bubble and forget about the worries and stress of daily life. Evening time often became knitting time. Initially, it was a small project I hoped would earn enough to cover the cost of the yarn I used. But it exceeded all my expectations, and when my maternity leave ended, I nervously decided to make it my full-time job.
Since then, I’ve been fortunate to work on some amazing projects and collaborations. Let’s see how long this knitting adventure lasts!

What inspires your design process?
The things my family or I need or want, our daily lives, and my childhood. I’m also deeply motivated by the thought of guiding someone through a creative project that brings them joy and a sense of accomplishment.
What do you do when you’re not knitting?
I play with my kids, fold laundry, write patterns, hunt for matching socks, or feed my sourdough starter. When it’s gardening season, my knitting time decreases significantly. Since knitting is my job, gardening becomes my therapy.
What can we look forward to seeing from you in the future?
A contribution to the book Strikk for naturen. Linka Neumann gathered a wonderful group of knitting designers to create a book of patterns where all royalties are donated to the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature. I’m incredibly grateful to be part of this project. All credit to Linka for her heartfelt and powerful dedication.

5 quick questions
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Family-oriented, introverted, and caring.
Favorite candy/snack:
Licorice and olives. Not together, but both are part of my daily diet.
Favorite TV series:
The best series of all time is Twin Peaks. Lately, I’ve been binge-watching Familien Nerdrum, a wonderful show to knit to.
Guilty pleasure:
Oribe hair products. I’m hooked, and there’s no going back. It’s like trying to knit with aluminum circular needles and stiff cables after using Seeknit Koshitsu bamboo circulars with swivel cords and flexible cables.
Dream travel destination:
Skiathos. It’s the most beautiful place I know
and highly recommended.